Isabel, ISABEL! This is such an incredibly emotional, raw and super beautiful piece. It captured the heartbreak you are feeling so perfectly. I found myself wanting to cry, I just felt your vulnerability. I'm so sorry that this has been hard for you -- letting go can be so painful sometimes 🤎

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Madeline, thank you! Grateful to know you 🩵 day by day is what I tell myself and I’m working on putting my trust in others, letting go of control :)

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Jul 4Liked by Isabel Straka

Oh, this was just raw emotions written out so wonderfully! ❤️ letting go is so hard, so unbelievably hard, but sometimes its what you need to do.

also: So hi! I'm gabby. I have spent my entire life between pages of hundreds if not thousands of books. I love - no adore reading. I love traveling, history, photography, ranting about whatever caught my attention and made me dive into a rabbit hole. Notebooks are my second passion, it is simply impossible to live without them. And...I used to be a part of a great dnd campaign. I love that group, that game, those characters - I used to be a dnd player who had found her tribe. I had to let it go, and I am convinced that void will never be filled again. I will never find the same again, but man, what memories!

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Gabby!!! You’re amazing!!! Thank you for your words

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Jul 4Liked by Isabel Straka

This is so beautifully written, and really captures the heartbreak of letting something go that's always been part of you.

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Thank you!

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This is some raw emotions in writing and I'm here for it. I have been feeling the similar way of how we outgrow our safe spaces, our home and despite it being comfortable we need to go through new phases and find new homes.

This was beautiful ❤️

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Thank you so much! It’s a really really hard stage in life for sure

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Jul 4Liked by Isabel Straka

I am finishing up grad school right now (have never taken a break), and I feel as though I have lost a lot of my identity to this intense program. It is something that I am passionate about, but I have had to put a lot of my other passions on the back-burner and I feel like I've lost myself a bit. I don't want my person intrinsically tied only to my profession. I am so excited to graduate and actually get back to my passions.

So hi, I'm Lauren, and I love to sing, play piano, read, and enjoy life. I think that as annoying as the old adage is, if you love something let it go, and if it loves you it will come back. That seems like the situation at hand. I do not know a ton about horses, but I do know that bond is special.

I would say that Vinnie is worth fighting for, and I am so sorry you are in this predicament!

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Hi Lauren - thank you! I’m wishing you all the best in finishing up grad school, and I hope you can take some time to find yourself again. Honestly, I think losing yourself in things happens periodically to everyone - finding the balance of it all is part of life (even though it sucks!!)

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Can't & wouldn't try if I could to tell you how to live it.

I can say, speaking only for for myself, but living quite a few years farther down the road than you, that; hi, I'm Jim. I used to spelunk, scuba and skin dive, x-country ski, been atop a few mountains and even rode a horse or few. I don't now but I have grand memories, that are part of me and I'm still Jim.

I can't and wouldn't try to tell you how to live, but based in my own experience I can note it's a lot of work, a lot of hard decisions, bad, good, but a lot of fun looking back, enjoying now and looking forward.

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Hi Jim. Thank you so much! “I don’t know but I have grand memories, that are apart of me and I’m still Jim” - this one is going to stick with me.

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