Hi! It’s so nice to meet you.

My name is Izzy, and I’ve been a reader since I was 4 years old when I recited Sleeping Beauty to my mom. I am now a 23 year old who doesn’t really know what she’s doing.

I’m navigating the journey to becoming an adult. I love to travel and take pictures. Reading and writing are two of my favorite hobbies. I like to listen to podcasts, and going outside always helps when I’m in a spiral. I’m working on my first ever book draft. Quite frankly, I have no idea if it will ever make it out, but I’m fascinated by the writing process and enjoying exploring my brain. Reading has been an escape for me since before I can remember, and I love being able to share that love with others. This is a way for me to expand on that love.

If you relate to that in any way, please join me on this journey. You can be a reader, a new reader, or hope to be one day - it doesn’t matter. Reading is for everyone, just like this newsletter.

Why subscribe?

Have you ever felt a little lost or alone and a book helped you through it? Have you ever wished you could talk to someone about a book, but don’t know who? Have you ever been curious behind the “why” on things? Are you interested in writing?

I like to read romance, fantasy, historical fiction, and contemporary fiction. I’ve been on a mission to read more classics, too. My first draft is a fantasy. I constantly ask why. I’m young, and I have a lot to learn.

So, subscribe if you’d like to hear my ramblings, walk alongside me as I write a book, or if you just enjoy reading and writing. I’ll see you on Sunday.

Subscribe to The Sunday Reads

The Sunday Reads is your cozy corner for all things books, reading, and life. Join me each Sunday for a laid-back blend of book reviews and musings that celebrate the joy of reading and its impact on our everyday experiences.


Welcome! I've been a reader since '01. I started my newsletter, The Sunday Reads, to talk all things books, reading, and life. Join me on Sundays to celebrate the joy of reading and its impact on our everyday experiences.